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Social Media on Teens


The reason I have chosen to find out about how much social media has affected the lives of high school teenagers is because of personal experience and how much it has affected my own life.  Social media has caused much change in my own life because of how people are very judgmental what you say and post online. From personal experience, when something is posted, almost everyone knows about it the next day. With social media, many trends are spread much easier because of the large community. I want to find out what the difference is between the present and the past, before social media has been a huge factor to everyone’s lives. Now and days, social media has a big impact of what I say, act and even dress.


The reason for this is because I am afraid of the way people will judge me. What I plan to find out is how much people can relate to myself. Back when I was in middle school I didn’t really know much about the different types of social media. I would wear everything I wanted to and didn’t care about what people said because I thought it was “cool”. Now, there are many trends that spread through online social media because everyone sees it.


Celebrities spread many trends because they are the ones that post many pictures of what they wear and people want to copy them. To find out about this, I will try to find articles about when social media was not a thing and compare them to present articles about how it affects our lives. Surveys will help me get a wide range of opinions from different people. The main idea in my thinking is that if I have a personal experience of how social media has changed myself, I get to see if I am the same or different from other students my age. I chose to do high school students because it is the ages where you start to find out about yourself and where you start caring about how you do things. As I get older I start to realize that I shouldn’t care about what people say to me.


People tend to say many bad things on social media, things that they would not say in real life to those people. This is why I’ve seen some bullying. Since you are not saying it to their faces, people think that they can say anything and they cannot do anything about it. It is usually when a picture is posted to everyone to see and they get made fun of. I’ve seen many instances where these things lead to bad things that could even lead to depression and I want to figure out why this is. People tend say these things on social media also for everyone to see. Some people may encourage them to keep going and back them up, which leads to more and more people joining in. This is mainly so the person can have a good reputation and reputation is mainly through social media.


This is why I chose to learn about why social media can have such an impact on many high school students’ lives. I want to compare it to the time when it did not exist and maybe in the future. Will social media have a bigger negative effect on high school students’ lives or will there be a positive effect in the future?


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